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3 FREE Back-To-School Resources


Hey Friends!

For many of us, school is back in full swing! (My kids went back yesterday...sad, but also YAY!!!)

As the new school year starts, we could all use some help reconnecting and reengaging with the kids in our ministry. Below are 3 resources from the GO! archive with FREE games and activities to get you going in the right direction.

A new year means a new group of kids are coming. Education research has shown that when kids have a relational connection to their teachers and peers, they listen and learn better. Here are 9 free games to help you do that!

What better way to start the year than to help your elementary-age kids get into the Bible and to help get the Bible into them. Here are 5 really fun games that do exactly that!

Games and activities are a great way to welcome new kids to your KidMin. Don't be mistaken, though! They're not just a time filler. The right ones can make kids excited about coming and help connect them with each other and with their leaders. Here are 31 game and activity ideas to get you started.

Proud to partner with you in reaching kids for Jesus! We are praying your first weeks back-to-school are amazing!

In Him,

David Rausch and the GO! Team



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