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4 tips for leading a kid to Christ

Writer's picture: David RauschDavid Rausch


There are few things as amazing as praying with a kid to become a Christian, but for some people, the thought of it is terrifying. Questions might swirl through your head. How do I do it? What should I avoid? Is it possible I could mess this thing up? It’s understandable that some people might feel nervous about walking a kid through such a huge spiritual milestone, but fear not! By the grace of God, you can do it! Here’s a few suggestions to help you along the way: Avoid coercion. Most kids have the desire to please adults. Avoid language that might pressure a kid into a disingenuous decision to follow Jesus. It’s okay to present opportunities by asking questions like, “Do you ever think about asking Jesus to be your Savior?” But allow them to reach a conclusion on their own. In other words, lead them towards a decision; don’t push them towards one. Use the ABC’s. There's no formula or magic words for becoming a Christian, but the "ABC's" of salvation are a good way to help kids pray the salvation prayer. It goes like this: “A”—Admit you have sinned and ask God for forgiveness. “B”—Believe that God has sent His son, Jesus, to die for your sins. “C”—Choose to follow Jesus and make Him the leader of your life. Prompt the child in prayer. It’s important that the salvation prayer comes from the heart of the child. Instead of having a kid repeat the prayer after you, provide prompts and let them do the praying. For example, begin by opening the prayer, but then prompt the kid to “admit” they've sinned and ask God for forgiveness. Pause for the kid to say his own prayer and then prompt them through “believe” and “choose.” Celebrate! This is the greatest decision anyone could ever make and it’s worth celebrating! Let kids know that all of heaven is rejoicing over their decision. If the kid doesn’t have a Bible yet, you might consider buying one for them as a celebration gift. Be sure to share the news with their parents, leaders, or any other people who are important in the life of the child.

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