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Praying Weekly for Your Children's Ministry


I have a confession to make.

I so often try to do the work of God without the power of God. I try to do it by my strength rather than by His strength. I try to tell people about Jesus without asking Jesus to go before me and be with me.

I fail to pray for the ministry God has entrusted to me.

Maybe you can relate.

But where do we even begin? How do we remember – or find time – to pray for everyone and everything that needs prayer?

I came up with a simple prayer schedule to encourage us to pray more intentionally and consistently. You can download a copy here to keep in your Bible or put it somewhere you'll see it daily. I would encourage you to pray not only generally, but specifically. Pray for people by name. Also, not every suggested way of praying will apply to you – at least not every week. So, adapt according to your situation.

I hope (and pray) this serves you.

Monday: Yourself

Ask God to lead and guide you. Confess any sin you haven’t yet confessed. Ask Him for wisdom. Ask Him to work in you so you look like Jesus more a week from now than you do today. Praise Him for His goodness in grace. Praise Him for how you’ve seen Him at work in the last week.

Tuesday: Your Volunteers

Ask God to lead and guide your volunteers. Pray for their families. Bring to Him any specific prayer requests they’ve shared with you. Praise Him for blessing His church with this team. Praise Him for how He has worked in and through them.

Wednesday: Your Children

Ask God to move and work in your children. Ask Him to reveal Himself to them. Bring Him any prayer requests they’ve shared. Praise Him for the precious children He’s entrusted to you. Praise Him for how you’ve seen Him move in their hearts and lives.

Thursday: Your Families

As with praying for your volunteers, ask God to lead and guide your families. Pray that the parents of your children would model Christ in their homes. Pray for any families that don’t yet know Jesus. Pray for any specific situation you know about. Praise Him for how you’ve seen Him at work in and through them.

Friday: Your Co-Workers (within Your Ministry)

Ask God to lead and guide your children’s ministry co-workers. Ask Him to bless their efforts for His glory. Bring Him any specific prayer requests they’ve shared with you. Thank Him for each one of them individually. Praise Him for how you’ve seen Him at work in their ministry roles. Pray for peace and unity among your team.

Saturday: Your Co-Workers (in Other Ministries)

Ask God to lead and guide your co-workers. Ask Him to bless the work happening throughout your church. Pray for His power and strength to be put on display in upcoming projects and events. Praise Him for how you’ve seen Him at work throughout your church. Praise Him for the opportunity to serve alongside godly men and women. Pray for peace and unity among your staff.

Sunday: Your Pastor (and Other Leaders)

Pray that God would speak through your pastor this weekend. Pray for His wisdom and direction in those leading the church. Bring any specific prayer requests that have been shared with you. Pray for His grace and truth in any difficulties your church is facing (internally or externally). Praise Him for blessing you with godly leadership.

Let's commit to doing the work of God with God. Let's commit to praying - everyday - for the ministry He has entrusted to us.



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