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IT'S HERE! View the "TOPHER TIME" pilot episode NOW!


Get a sneak peek of the TOPHER TIME pilot episode!

What time is it?...IT'S TOPHER TIME!

One of the things we hear over and over from churches who use GO! preschool curriculum is how much their kids LOVE Topher the Gopher! He's a playful and mischievous little gopher who helps the preschoolers learn to love and follow Jesus.

And now, Topher has come to life through a new video series called "Topher Time."

I would tell you how wonderful I think it is, but now that the pilot episode is ready, you can see for yourself! Give it a watch below...

TOPHER TIME will be available for purchase soon.

The "Topher Time" video series follows the GO! Curriculum preschool scope and sequence. It will be available for purchase in time for the beginning of next year's curriculum calendar in August. Stay tuned for details on pricing and packages. We'll announce those very soon when we launch our all-new-super-duper web site (YAY!!!)



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