One of my favorite parts about what I do is getting to hear from all of the passionate GO! Curriculum users. One of those passionate users is Andy from Kidz Cove at Idlewild Baptist Church in Florida. I recently had a chance to ask Andy about his experience with GO! and this is what he had to say:
How long have you been using GO?
About 2.5 years.
What problem did you have before using GO! that prompted you to change curriculum?
We had a few issues. All the curriculum we tried was either fun, but had no depth, or very Bible intensive, but boring. We were continually having to revamp the material. It was frustrating to basically rewrite an entire lesson.
Why did you decide to use GO?
We tested it with Space Ninjas vs. Pirate Squirrels. The thing that appealed to us the most was the interactivity. We felt like it engaged the kids more, and we saw them actively listening vs. passively listening.
What do you like about GO after using it?
I love how kids remember what we talk about now. We teach kindergarten through fifth grade in one room. That can be challenging to have something that appeals to that broad of range. We don’t spend nearly the time re-writing messages or correcting issues. I also like the frequency with which the themes change.
What has the response to GO! been like?
We’ve had tons of positive feedback. When we first made the switch, our volunteers were thrilled. They said it just felt better and like we were doing a better job connecting. I had some parents ask me what had changed, because now, when their kids came home, they could talk about what they did in Kidz Cove and knew the Bible story.
Do you have any stories about the impact of GO! in your KidMin?
The first night we tested it, we knew we had something special because a mom who was not a regular, stayed in the room with us. She came up afterward and said she had a blast and learned a lot too. She said she’s going to bring her kid from now on because she saw how it was both fun and had Biblical truth. I think that’s the best part about GO!, the balance.
What would you tell someone who was on the fence about using GO?
I would say take the jump and GO! You won’t regret it! I think it has excellent applications for both large and small groups. We’ve also taken some lessons and used them at chapels, big and small. The customization of the material is such a huge asset.
So, are you as happy with your curriculum as Andy is with GO? If not, give GO! a try. We would love for you to be our next success story!