As KidMin leaders, it's our calling to help plant the Word of God in the hearts of children. But notice I said "hearts" and not "heads." If we effectively tell a Bible story, kids will remember it (head), but a good set of follow-up questions can help the story change who they are on a deeper level (heart).
So with that said, here are 6 questions that can help plant the Word of God in the hearts of children:
1. In your own words, what happened in the story?
This question helps solidify the story in the minds of the kids. By recounting it in their own words, they're sure to remember it for a long time.
2. How do you think the major (or minor) character felt when this or that happened during the story?
It's easy for kids to see the people in the Bible as flat, 2-dimensional characters. But by having them explore the emotions of the Biblical people, it gives them more depth and helps kids relate to their experience.
3. If you were the major (or minor) character, would you have made the same choices? If not, what would you have done differently?
This question helps kids evaluate the choices of the Biblical characters and it makes them determine if those choices were wise and worth repeating.
4. How do you think the Bible character grew or changed throughout this story?
This question helps kids see that when we encounter God, we are never the same.
5. What should you do differently now that you've heard this story?
In the same way that encountering God changes us, encountering His Word should change us as well. This question helps kids see how all scripture is "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16)
6. What did you learn about God from this story?
At the end of the day, the Bible isn't about the human characters (aside from Jesus) and it's not about us. This question helps kids see how God is at the center of every story.