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5 Stars (What We're Loving This Month - June)


We're always on the lookout for awesome resources - and we bet you are, too! So, here are five that we are loving right now!

A Book We're Reading: Christianity for People Who Aren't Christians

This book is basically a modern-day Mere Christianity. If you’ve never read this classic by C.S. Lewis, you should. But Dr. White has tackled the biggest questions of our day in accessible and practical language.

If you’ve been in children’s ministry for any length of time, you know kids ask BIG questions. But so do their parents. This book answers a lot of those questions and should definitely have a place on your bookshelf. Read the whole thing but then get ready to refer back to it again and again.

You can get it here.

A Podcast We're Devouring: The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Andy Stanley is a master at brevity and clarity. He takes the same approach to leadership. We love leadership books – we’ll feature a couple of our favorites in the future. But who has time to read them all? No one. A thirty-minute podcast, on the other hand, is easy to get through. You won’t regret listening. We promise.

You can listen here.

A Tool We're Loving: Microsoft OneNote

I can’t hold tasks in my mind. I know there are people who can – and I’m amazed by them. But I have to write them down. I’ve tried a dozen different organizational systems and the best I’ve found by far has been Microsoft OneNote.

This platform allows you to create different “notebooks” with separate tabs to subdivide each section. So, for example, I have a Ministry Notebook. In that notebook, I have one tab called “Weekly Responsibilities” where I keep the checklist of recurring tasks I do every week. I have another tab called “Special Projects” for those things that fall outside of my regular routines but still need to get done. I also have a Personal Notebook. In that notebook, I have a tab for Birthdays where I list out the birthdays of family and friends. I use that tab to jot down gift ideas throughout the year – even if their birthday is months away.

You can basically use this tool however you want. I’ve tried just about every organizational app on the market and I’ve found this one to be the simplest and most flexible. I’m a big fan and honestly don’t know how I’d ever get anything done without it.

You can learn more here.

A Song We Have on Repeat: Teach Me to Dance

Jervis Campbell is a relatively new artist and I'm just discovering his music. This song is fantastic. I especially love the lyrics. You can read them here and listen to the song here.

A Quote We're Pondering: Elisabeth Elliot

"Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them."

There you go! Five things we are loving this month.

What are you loving? Leave a comment and let us know!



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