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5 Stars (What We're Loving This Month - May)


We're always on the lookout for awesome resources - and we bet you are, too! So, here are five that we are loving right now!

A Book We're Reading: What if Jesus was Serious?

We love this little book. Skye Jethani takes the Sermon on the Mount and asks the simple question, “What if Jesus was serious? If He was, what does that mean for our lives?”

Don’t let the brevity fool you. It is packed with practical and biblical wisdom.

But it gets even better. It is beautifully designed and each “chapter” is only two pages – which makes it really easy to pick up when you’ve only got a couple minutes.

You can get it here.

A YouTube Channel We're Loving: Timmy Bow Ties

Tim has made a number of appearances on the Journey Today Show (part of our GO+ platform) and just recently he launched his own kids' YouTube channel called "Timmy Bow Ties"!

Timmy is absolutely hilarious and the show is a blast! But more importantly, Timmy is on a mission to teach kids important life lessons in fun and creative ways. You can check out the trailer here!

A Tool We're Loving:

Have you ever left a team meeting not entirely sure what you were supposed to be doing? So have we. is more than a task-tracking service. It allows you to categorize tasks by project and send assignments to various team members. You can set deadlines, track progress, and see where everybody else is at in fulfilling their responsibilities.

Basically, it gets everyone on the same page and eliminates confusion. You can learn more about it by going here.

A Song We Have on Repeat: Holy Water

This song by We the Kingdom came out just last year but it has an old gospel sound. It stands on its own but if you want chills, check out the music video with Tasha Cobbs Leonard.

A Quote We're Pondering: Tim Keller

“Religion says, ‘I obey; therefore I am accepted.’ Christianity says, ‘I’m accepted, therefore I obey.’”

There you go! Five things we are loving this month.

What are you loving? Leave a comment and let us know!



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