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3 Ways To Get Dads More Involved In Your Children's Ministry

With Father's Day coming up, it's a good time to remember what a significant role dads play in the lives of their kids. Studies show that fathers who actively participate in church and spiritual activities are more likely to have children who adopt similar practices and beliefs. If we're serious about helping kids develop a life-long relationship with Jesus, getting dads involved is critically important!

I know, I know...easier said than done.

But that's not to say it's impossible. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can boost engagement with dads and get them involved with your children's ministry!

Here are 3 ways you can do that:

1. Host a Father-Child Event

One of the best ways to get dads involved is to create opportunities for them to bond with their kids within the ministry context. Think about hosting a special event just for dads and their children. This could be anything from a father-child campout, a sports day, or even a simple game night at the church. I've heard of churches hosting successful "Donuts with Dad," "Nerf Wars," or "Fishing Derby" events.

By providing a relaxed and enjoyable environment, you’re giving dads the chance to see how rewarding and fun it can be to participate in their children's spiritual journey. Plus, these events often break the ice and make dads feel more comfortable engaging with the ministry on a regular basis.

2. Create Dad-Friendly Volunteer Roles

Let’s be honest, not every dad is going to feel comfortable leading a Sunday school lesson or crafting with a group of toddlers. But there are plenty of other ways for dads to contribute! Think about roles that might play to their strengths or interests. Can they help with set-up or tear-down for events? Are there opportunities for them to assist with technology or security? Maybe some dads would love to be involved in coaching a kids' sports team through the church. By offering a variety of volunteer roles, you make it easier for dads to find their niche and get involved in a way that feels natural and enjoyable for them.

3. Foster a Welcoming Community

Sometimes, the barrier for dads isn’t a lack of interest but rather a feeling of not belonging or being unsure where they fit in. Work on building a culture that is welcoming and inclusive of all parents. Highlight and celebrate the dads who are already involved to show others that they are valued and appreciated. Use communication channels like newsletters or social media to share stories and testimonials from dads about their positive experiences in the ministry. When dads see their peers actively engaged and having a great time, they’re more likely to step up and join in.


A smashingly fun event that invites families to drop everything and follow Jesus!


Welcome to “The Big Drop”—a gospel-centered family experience unlike any other! During this event, families will play games, eat sweet treats, and watch gravity do its thing as you drop stuff from way up high and watch it go KERSPLAT!


Best of all, everyone will hear the story of Jesus’ first disciples and discover how we too should drop everything and follow Him.


The Big Drop is perfect for:

  • A stand-alone summer event

  • Post VBS party

  • Back-to-School bash



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